
The eco-participation is a financial contribution paid by the consumer when purchasing a household appliance

Terms of Sales

What is eco-participation?

The eco-participation corresponds to the cost of collecting and recycling old products. It is part of the total cost of the equipment and is not billed as such. The producer indicates the amount of the eco-tax present for each product to the distributor. The distributor indicates to the end consumer this same amount.

Its cost varies depending on the organization to which the producer is attached. You will therefore find the amount of the eco-contribution at the level of the product sheet, the basket and the purchase summary for the products concerned.

Last update
on 13.12.2023
100% French company
located in France
An approach
environmentally friendly

Regulations - Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Under the terms of the community directives of January 27, 2003 n°2002/95/EC (relating to the limitation of the use of dangerous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, hereinafter “EEA”) and n°2002/96/EC amended by Directive No. 2003/108/EC (relating to EEE waste, hereinafter “WEEE”), Decree No. 2005-829 of July 20, 2005 and its implementing orders transposing Directive No. 2002/96/CE (hereinafter the “Decree”), as well as article L541-10-2 of the Environmental Code, producers of EEE (hereinafter the “Producers”) must contribute or provide for the collection and disposal of WEEE from August 13, 2005.

Existing texts place the financial responsibility on Producers for the management of household WEEE, from their collection to their treatment. These WEEE are both “new” and “historic”, that is to say from EEE placed on the market after or before August 13, 2005.

Why are there different amounts?

The amount of the eco-participation varies depending on the product and the type of treatment it requires. When recycling, devices are treated and decontaminated differently depending on their size, the materials they contain or the pollutants they contain.

Since July 1, 2010, the Ministry of Ecological Transition has also imposed a modulation of eco-contributions for household equipment, which consists of varying its amount according to the environmental impact of certain devices when they are at the end of their life.

Aquanautics and second-hand packaging to protect our environment

Overpackaging is now identified as one of the factors that accentuates environmental deterioration. To counter this phenomenon and thus preserve the planet and our environment, the use of second-hand packaging is an excellent alternative.

On, the majority of our shipments are made with second-hand boxes. We collect boxes from our suppliers for our customers' shipments.